AZ4CC will occasionally blog to share interesting nuggets in the form of industry articles, CCA-related progress reports of the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), articles about renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy storage developments, relevant news from the utilities regulated by the ACC, webinars that might be of interest like the one below.
According to an article in Reuters, dated March 26, 2020, the California Public Utilities Commission set a target to reduce carbon emissions to 46 million metric tons by 2030, 56% below 1990 levels. That means California electricity providers will need to develop nearly 25 gigawatts of renewable energy and battery storage to achieve the goal, nearly double the amount the state has currently.
California’s community choice energy providers are doing their part, with the procurement of new clean energy, having signed long-term power purchase agreements totaling more than 3,600 megawatts with new-build solar, wind, geothermal and energy storage facilities. As CCAs continue to rapidly secure clean energy resources they need to meet these new decarbonization goals. How do CCAs ensure a power project delivers multiple benefits for air, water, and nature while avoiding impacts to environmentally sensitive lands and species? This webinar, sponsored by Calpine Energy Solutions, will focus on the steps Clean Power Alliance (CPA), California’s largest community choice energy provider, has taken to integrate environmental stewardship principles into its procurement process. Here is a link to register for the free webinar: