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Community Choice Aggregation
Mission of AZ4CC
What is Community Choice Aggregation?
Community Choice Aggregation, CCA, enables local governments and communities served by investor owned utilities (IOUs) to purchase electricity directly from wholesale energy suppliers. The electricity is still delivered by the IOU, which continues to own and operate the transmission and distribution system (the “poles and wires”), provide meter reading, outage support and capital improvements, and bill customers.
Individuals can opt out of a CCA program if they wish, and purchase electricity as traditional bundled service from their IOU.
The main thrust of CCA is for local governments to aggregate their electric load in order to buy more clean energy on the wholesale market on behalf of residents and businesses than they would otherwise get from their IOU, while being able to offer customers competitive rates. CCA offers true choice, local control and competitive rates, while increasing renewable and clean energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.